Everyone has their morning rituals. My morning ritual, which has been a cherished part of my routine for years, is doing a couple yoga stretches, and reading the newspaper with a cup of tea.
Travel / Everything Else
Reminiscing: Road Trip to Lillooet
When people think about weekend getaways from Vancouver, Lillooet is often overlooked in favor of its popular neighbors, Whistler and Pemberton. However, Lillooet is home to idyllic escapes, rich cultural history, and plenty of hiking trails to please everyone.
My Trip to Iceland – Part 2
This past September my husband and I spent nine days in Iceland with 3 more couples. This trip was epic and unforgettable in so many ways. I already wrote about my experience in the Western, Eastern and Northern part of Iceland in my previous post. It’s time for the Southern part now.
My Trip to Iceland -Part 1
Located on the edge of the Arctic Circle in the far North Atlantic Ocean, Iceland is a remote country full of natural wonders, exciting activities and incredible sceneries. This long post is a short report of my trip to Iceland.
Appetizer Recipes Collection 2019
Since it’s the season for holiday get togethers I thought I would share a variety of starters or appetizers that would suit all kinds of palates. To get the recipes, click on the title of the appetizer or on the picture. It will take you to the desired recipe.
The Easiest Way To Freeze Blueberries
Freezing berries is a great way to preserve fruits. Frozen blueberries can be substituted for fresh in many recipes. It’s important to learn how to freeze them so that they do not stick together in clumps.
Traveling with a Gluten Allergy in India
Eating great things while traveling is a huge pleasure for me. I am constantly getting asked what gluten-free foods I eat while traveling to my home country India, so I set out to write a post. Prior to heading on this trip, I thought I would take pictures of all the food I eat and document it on my blog. However, the truth is that in the excitement of eating the delicious food, I forgot to take enough pictures. But no worries, I am sharing the ones I have and the tips that will help you to eat gluten-free anywhere in India. In the last part of the post, I have mentioned a few of the restaurants where we ate on this trip.
Hopefully, this post will help you plan an enjoyable trip to India without the fear of being glutened.
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