Page created on January 1st 2014
If you are keenly looking for a gluten free recipe that you don’t know how to make and didn’t find on my blog, you can make a request on this page by giving the name and a brief description of the dish. I’ll try my best to cook up and post it for you to enjoy!
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Hi Balwinder
Is it possible to you to try the recipe for gluten free mathis and golgappas.
my son who is recently diaganosed with celiac really misses them
No problem, Vasudha. Although I have never made gluten free golgappas but will try…. you know its kind of difficult, they are crisp and each one has to puff up like a ball…but don’t worry I will do whatever I can. I will definitely post mathri recipe and will let you know when I post or you can sign up for my posts through email subscriptions, that way you will automatically know when I publish. Thanks for putting the request!
Vasudha, just want to make sure, you are looking for round mathris and not namak paras.
Hi Balvinder,
I would love to have recipes for both as well as if you can try to make shakerpare(white ones) as well.(my list is becoming long).
Give me some time vasudha….As I said in my email I rarely fry, but will first post mathis and from there we’ll go till then try Socca from my recent post, your son will love it.
Hi Balvinder, I am so happy I came across your site while surfing. I have been a celiac for over 35 years. I will definitely try the recipe for parshad as that is what I always miss when I go to the gurudwara. Also, I wanted to request if you have a recipe for gluten free punjabi pinni or panjiri. I would love it if you can. Thank you so much
I know how it feels exactly when you miss certain foods that you were so used to. Welcome to my site and glad that you loved it!
I do have a gluten free panjiri recipe on my blog. Here is the link for healthy turmeric panjiri
and for urad daal pinni (you can eat it in panjiri form without shaping into discs and adding more ingredients):
Hi Balvinder
Today again I made arbi and thought of thanking you again for posting such a great and wonderful recipe. And I also have another request for you .If you have ever tried making gluten free golgappas and samosa and if you can share the recipe with all your readers that would be great.
That’s wonderful Vasudha for trying out ‘arbi’. I haven’t had success with gluten free golgappas but will surely post samosas sometime this year. Have you tried mathris? If you do please send me a picture.
Hi Balvinder
I have not tried mathris yet. Whenever I will make them I will do send you a pic.
Mary Jo
Hi Balvinder, I am planning a baby shower for a friend who is allergic to gluten. She loves mango desserts. I saw mango parfait and other things on your blog, but I want to make mango cake.Could you please help me with this?
When is the baby shower?
Mary Jo
Next month on 14th or 15th. I would really appreciate your help.
You are lucky that it is mango season and I love mangoes. So your request is easy to fulfill.
Mary Jo
Oh I am so happy! waiting for your recipe to be posted.
gail mckissock
Can you give me a recipe for non bake gf lemon cheesecake please. My best friend is on gf diet but I want to make her something nice. Hope you can help x
That’s very sweet of you to think about making a GF cheese cake recipe for your best friend. Gail, I take genuine requests from my subscriber’s to blog and flip board and I don’t think you are one of them. So don’t mind if I ask you few questions before passing on the link or making it myself for you. Why do you want only No bake cheese cake?
Here’s another link thru Pinterest ,
Bal , sadly , I don’t have any GF cheesecake recipes , but check out this Pinterest
Thank you Anne, for passing the link.
Gail, the above reply is from my friend Anne who I asked for GF cheesecake recipe, She is an expert in making breads and cheesecakes.
I just need to ask a few more questions, How did you find out about my blog? Have you tried looking for GF cheese cake recipes on the internet?
Namaste Balvinder ji,
I am so happy to have found your site. My 3 yr old daughter has been having allergies to gluten food lately and I am starting to go gluten-free . Glad to have found you, bcoz I was skeptical about cooking Indian food gluten-free. I will keep you posted once I have tried your recipes.
Thank you so much Sudeshna! I am so glad you dropped by and left a comment. Feel free to browse my recipes and do let me know if you try.
Subash Biswas
Hi mam,
I am a new follower of your site and honestly have to say that your blog is awesome! The recipes are simple, easy and totally workable. Seriously, I am not kidding, my wife has tried your white chapati, it tastes really good and I am so grateful for the recipe. We had only been eating rice and maize chapati since my wife and I started eating gluten free. We’ll be trying more of your recipes, and I wonder if I could make a request for a recipe of samosa.
Thank you so much for appreciating and stopping by, Subash. The feeling for white chapati is mutual. I was also missing on parathas and the everyday chapati, then I experimented with various flour combinations and came up with this flour which worked beautifully for pooris and parathas as well.
Let me know what you think of other recipes when you try.
Haha! Subash, I already have two requests for samosa recipe. Will try to post as soon as the weather gets a little cooler.
Hi Balvinder,
I am so happy I found your blog. My 10 year is going through a new regime of food which is both gluten free and dairy free. He loves parathas, and I have problem making parathas with only sorghum and bean flour. Will use your recipes, and tweak around as he is allowed rice or corn twice a day.
Thank you Anumita, I appreciate your comment!
I know how it is when you’re a parent of a kid with food allergies..It is difficult to come up with different gluten free recipes to feed them. So your son loves parathas, that’s good. I have a gluten free recipe of chapati, paratha, wrap and poori on my blog. Feel free to check them out, and if you have any question don’t hesitate to ask me.
Balvinder, I am so excited to see this request page on your blog.
I was diagnosed with celiac diagnosis few month back and ever since the diagnosis I have cut out the wheat grain products and is on gluten free oats, rice, quinoa and gf bread now and then. But how can an Indian survive without a chapatti all her life? I started looking online for chapatti with gluten free flour and came across your blog, the rest you know …… I would really appreciate if you can help me with suggesting which flour should I use for making chapattis.
Thanks XX
Sure Mohini, I will post when ever I come up with a new flour blend. This might not happen soon as I am busy with certain things and can not take out time to experiment in the kitchen. Meanwhile, you can try sorghum (Jowar) chapati or try replacing white corn flour with yellow corn flour in my white flour chapati blend.
Thanks, I will.
Jyoti Gupta
Do you also provide readymade products on order. How much time you require for that. Where are u based.
No, I provide recipes so you can make it at home. I live in Richmond British Columbia.
Hello Balvinder,
I am very pleased to see your blog with Indian gluten free recipes.. I just few days ago find out about my 2 and half yrs old daughter that she got celiac disease. I was so worried what I will give her . But I came through searching gluten free recipes on your blog. And I am very happy to see the recipes of chapaties and all other Indian food recipes. Please , put some more kids loving gluten free recipes if you can . I will be thankful to u..
I am so happy you found my blog and are enjoying looking through my recipes. I hope you are able to try some of them such as cucumber sandwiches, jhatpat masala noodles, tri colored cupcakes, linzer cookies, chocolate cookies for your daughter. I will also try to fulfill your request of kid friendly recipes as much as I can. Do you have any particular request?
Thanks Balvinder,, yeah please if u can send me the any gluten free cakes and more Indian kids meals recipes. It will be great and thank you a lot …
I do have cakes and other recipes that kids can eat. Check my categories column on top right side of the blog.
Hello balvinder,
I’m not celiac but I avoid gluten to help my chronic health issues. I wish I came across your website probably a year ago. Making the shift to a gluten free diet would have been a breeze for me through your site. I kept along with the gluten still in my diet and my problems worsened even more. And now i cant do corn and soy. I can manage starches but with very limited portions. I’m not sure if we could make flatbreads and Sandwich breads that are gluten, corn and soy free? If it is possible could you do this request please?
Thank you so much for making desi cuisine so easy for gluten-free eaters!
Hi Sana, its never too late for anything. I have one flat bread and three bread recipes on my blog that are corn and soy free. You can try and let me know.
I am working on another chapati flour recipe and once I am successful I will post.
Hi there, Just want to let you know your recipe skillet cookie worked a treat. I have made it a few times. Thank you!I’m looking forward to recreating more of your recipes. Can I request for a ginger cake?
Sheily, Thank you I am glad you loved the skillet cookie recipe. I do have a ginger cake recipe on my blog. Click here.
I am looking for a ginger cake with chocolate or something with a deep flavor of spice but not the usual sweet chocolate cake.
Sorry for the late reply. I might post something in autumn or winters. If you need a recipe urgently I can send you some links and variations of altering my ginger cake recipe.
HI balvinder, I’m so pleased to have come accross your website, whilst I was searching for a gluten free panettone. I am going to try out your recipe. A couple of the measurements only have “cup” measurements. Living in the Uk I am not used to using cups. Do you have the grammes equivalent for those listed indredients.
Many thanks
Hi Alessandra, I have updated the recipe ingredients in grams, whichever i could.
Let me know how it goes:)
Hi, I would like to have a non gluten recipe for bhatura without xanthan gum, eggs or bean water are good. Or any suggestion you have. Thank you.
Hi Lisa, I have a bhatura recipe posted here without xanthum gum, eggs or bean water. Hope you like it.
Do you have a recipe for Namak Pare – Baked or Fried?
No, but I have methi mathri recipe.
Thank you. I will try that only. Need some office snacks
Do you have Textured protein curry recipe?
Not curry but I have used textured protein in other ways in stuffed mushrooms and enchiladas. I might post the curry recipe sometime soon.
Thanks. Is it possible you can email me right now.