These Chocolate Apple Crepes are the perfect start to a beautiful day. The recipe is easy, and each crepe is filled with sweetened hazelnut cocoa spread and thin apple slices.
Torta Rustica
Despite my love for baking I am not into making pies from scratch and I have never made a gluten free pie. I wanted to make one after I saw a pie demonstration by Chef Ian Lai, which made me salivate as I watched him make it during a roof top garden cookout. I can’t describe the flavor but the pie looked amazingly flaky. Everyone in the class oohed and ahhed about the savory filling and talked how tender, light and crisp the pie was. They enjoyed every morsel except me. My interest was piqued and I thought I need to conquer my fear of making a gluten free pie crust. I came home pulled up my sleeves, took out my rolling pin and set out to make pie crust.
Orange Cheese Cake
This past week I did not feel like blogging. There were some thoughts going on in my mind of migrating to a self hosted word press or custom domain blog or simply switching to WordPress. As some of you know I started this blog without much thought, and now as I go on…
Spinach And Egg Croquettes
Crispy on the outside, soft inside, these spinach and egg croquettes are simple to make and make a great party finger food or appetizer!
Gluten Free Brioche Buns
Whenever I offer gluten free food to my friends they get tempted to go gluten free. I can definitely understand, why they say so. Gluten free food tastes great. However, they do not understand what exactly leaving gluten means. My eating lifestyle totally changed and cooking gluten free food involves a lot of patience and…
Lemon Blueberry Buttermilk Pound Cake
A gluten free lemony pound cake studded with blueberries.
Very Berry Gluten Free Chocolate layer Cake
Boxed Chocolate cake with berries and whipped cream. When you’re in hurry to make a dessert this cake works great.
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